God has been teaching me a lot lately. He's been teaching me to trust in Him and just altogether lean on Him. The disciples did just that. Even literally. In John 13 verse 23: "Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved."
When I came across that verse, it was evident to me that Jesus had a real relationship with His disciples. They weren't just His 'posse'. They were His friends that He truly loved and hung out with because He enjoyed their company. We have to lean on our Creator and lean on each other. When one of our friends stumble, we've gotta pick them back up and lean them against us and our God. It's important to keep good company around because you want others that will influence you in a good and positive way. Ones that won't just sympathize but will actually remind you of why you're here and of God's grace and love. Don't be afraid to speak up when your friends are doing something you know that God doesn't approve of.
One time I was in the car with my dad and two of my friends. We were talking about how the devil tries to attack us. That's when my dad said that once my mom was reading a book, and in it, it said that if the devil is attacking you continuously but you run to God every time he attacks, then he'll stop attacking you in that area of your life because he doesn't want us running to God. We have to remind ourselves and our friends of that because if you run to God for EVERYTHING, you become stronger in Him and you don't feel alone. That's how I feel. God has been teaching me to always run to Him for everything and I don't feel alone. I feel like I'm always on stable ground.
My pastor has been preaching about this a lot lately; that in the Bible it talks about Shadrach, Meshach, Abendigo, and Daniel. They stood up for what they believed in. They decided to influence others instead of compromise their standards. And the best part is, they stood TOGETHER. In Ecclesiastes 4:12 it says, "Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken." There IS strength in numbers and we ARE our brothers' keepers. So I just encourage you all to be there for your friends and help lead them along the right path. Ask them how they're doing and if they need any prayer for anything. It'll strengthen your relationship with them and God. And when they see how pure your love is for them, they'll begin to see God's love for them. :)
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