Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How am I suppose to react to that?

Ok so I have a question, and if you can answer, please do so, 'cause I'd like to know.

I'd like to know how you're supposed to react when your little brother is being a pain. Not just annoying, oh no, but telling you to shut up every 5 seconds, especially when you're barely saying anything, or if you're not talking to him at all. Like just now, he was holding Gold Bond creme stuff and I asked him why, he said because he had bug bites. Since he said that, I was going to tell him about a guy I know who literally got bug bites ALL OVER his body! It's crazy! You should see it. Anyways, right as I said, "Dude, I know this..." he interrupts and says, "Shut up Addie! Don't talk to me!" and of course, I responded in a way that I probably shouldn't of, but I said, "No Andrew, you're not the boss of me" So he keeps telling me to shut up and I keep saying no so he tries to kick me and threatens to hit me because he's mad. So how am I suppose to react to that? Am I suppose to just do as he says and make him think that he's my boss and has control over me? I don't think that's the answer either. So please, if you have a really good answer, please please PLEASE let me know because I'm all out of ideas and I'm tired of being mad and frustrated with this.

I've tried praying about this over and over again but nothing seems to come. It's VERY irritating and I have no clue or idea what to do!!!!!!! Please help me!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes people just need some time. If he wants to you be quiet and leave him alone, maybe that's really what he needs. This response won't give him the impression that he's the boss of you, and if it does later on, then you'll need to talk to your parents about it because that's not okay for him to do. They'll be able to handle it if it gets out of hand.
    But it sounds like he just needs some time to cool down. If you give him that much needed time, perhaps he'll be in a better mood later on.

    In a more complex issue, if he has other thoughts rolling around in his head, then alone time could be the opposite of what he needs (but don't assume this theory). If you're angry and you're all alone, what's the natural thing that happens? You dwell on it, making matters worse in your own head. By doing this, the stress level is raised much higher than it would be if he was surrounded by people conversing with him.

    Unfortunately for you, we can't know what's going on inside his head. So, you must try to give him some time to cool off. If that doesn't work, then the exact opposite of it might. But don't go overboard, obviously.
    Like I said before, if it gets too out of hand, you have your parents. They are the ultimate authority and can handle it however they'd like.

    Hope this helps, and I hope you figure things out with your brother!
